Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Lunacy Continues

Every time it calms down, life heats up in the bizarro world. An article about the LYM generates a comment from a Larouchie who just can't believe that LHL would do anything wrong. But check out the article writer's reference to a review of Larouche's magnum opus, in which the reviewer clearly sees indications that Larouche understands the fundamentals of 'cooking' the books.


Anonymous said...

I have a copy of that (rather strange) review in pdf form, and would email it if your address were immediately spotable. If you want to see it, I could email it to you.

-- "Howie" (

Kheris said...

Tried to email you but got a mailer-daemon error that your address was not valid. Trying a second time.

Molly said...


I also have some documents you might be interested in. Please email me


Kheris said...

I don't believe I have your email. Write to kheris (@)kheris (.) net